COVID-19 Community Assistance

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During these unprecedented times, the West Angeles Community Development Corporation – which is the outreach of West Angeles Church – continues to provide affordable housing to over 400 families in our community, which allows them to retain shelter at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Caregivers & Elders

senior citizen elderly woman and daughter walk arm in arm west angeles caregivers group

Caregivers & Elders

Please join the West Angeles Counseling Center

(in partnership with the Alzheimer Association/Greater Los Angeles)

as we offer our  new


designed for caregivers who support and care for individuals with Alzheimer’s or Dementia.

The support group offers a great way for caregivers to:

  • build relationships
  • develop new coping strategies
  • learn from other caregivers who understand what they are going through
  • gain resources/materials to help you navigate systems of care
  • find comfort, strength, and hope in a compassionate and safe environment
  • know that they are not alone

If you or someone you know could benefit from attending the  Savvy Caregivers Group, please fill out the form below for more information and to reserve your spot.

Please contact the West Angeles Christian Counseling Center at:


PHONE: (323) 737-7463

The West Angeles Counseling Center offers Bible-based services, programs, and classes which provide spiritual support to you and your family both in times of abundance and in times of trial. Through the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Christian counseling combines modern methods of counseling with scriptural principles, using biblical truths as the reference point for integration.

To learn more about the West Angeles Counseling Center, please CLICK HERE. 

To inquire about our sessions or to join the support group, please fill out the form below:

Practical Christian Living

Practical Christian Living

Practical Christian Living

“Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always…” Matthew 28:20

Welcome to West Angeles’ School of Practical Christian Living (PCL).  Our mission is to present a disciplined study of God’s Word and principles for today’s Christian, on a non-technical level.  PCL is an introduction to systematic Bible study, understanding, and application for everyday life.

Everyone tells us that we should study God’s word more often, but how does one go about studying the Bible? PCL offers you an opportunity to study Bible subjects that you have always wondered about. Here, the Bible is offered in a way that that’s easy to understand, giving you the opportunity to quickly learn the values of Christian living.


Now that you are saved, how do you discover God’s will and purpose for your life?  Where do you learn how to be a better Christian, worker, parent, wife, or husband? How do you apply the Bible’s wisdom while navigating the challenges of today’s fast-paced world? Practical Christian Living is your answer.

Before you get started in the technical study of the Bible, you must have a foundation of Biblical knowledge to build upon.  The courses we offer through the Practical Christian Living program help students to achieve a sound understanding and solid working knowledge of the Bible.  

Some of our courses include:

  • What Am I Called Of God To Do?
  • Financial Success How-to
  • Beginning Bible Study
  • Memorizing Scripture


PCL also offers several Certificate Programs. Courses of study include:

  • Basic Bible Foundation 
  • The Interrelationship of Humanity & Spirit
  • Evangelism 
  • Foundational Studies for Missionaries

For more information about our schedules, classes, and programs, or to have Practical Christian Living come to your church, please fill out the form below, or contact:

Elder Richard Brooks, Director of Practical Christian Living, at 323/733-8300, X2366.



For our upcoming class schedule, or for more information, please fill out the form below:

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