Top 10 Quotes of Bishop Charles E. Blake


Of the daily encouragements that Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake has either tweeted about or shared with you on Facebook–below is the TOP 10 quotes of Bishop Charles E. Blake. Be encouraged and most of all, be blessed.

1.If God can raise the dead, He can deal with your problems! 563 likes 73 shares

2. Let Go of harmful, non-productive regrets and sorrows about past failures, past hurts and past defeats! Nothing deserves a funeral everyday! 250 likes 73 shares
3.Hold on until you get your miracle! Every miracle confirms the purpose of God. 317 likes 43 shared
4. Read the bible! That should be your main textbook for your life! 413 likes 41 shared
5.Child of God, don’t be so quick to go your own way. Stay under the blood of Jesus. 387 likes 71 shares
6. When you begin to honor God, the flesh knows it’s about to be defeated. 271 likes 46 shares
7.Morning Prayer:

Search my mind, Search my will, Search my heart; Search me, O Lord.
I want to be what you want me to be.
I want to live like you want me to live.
I want to give you glory; I want to give you praise.
Every day I want to go higher; every day I want to be better.
Every day I want your power resting on me in Jesus Name. Amen. 263 likes 83 shares

8. Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the Heart…Work on your Heart! 286 likes 53 shares
9. Nobody can take care of you like God can! 678 likes 45 shares
10. Make up in your mind that you are not going to quit until you get to where you need to go! 359 likes 58 shares
11. I choose to elevate my vision so BIG that there’s no way I can do it without a miracle from God! 316 likes 51 shares


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