Bishop Blake Are You Filled With the Holy Spirit

Bishop Blake: Are You Filled With the Holy Spirit?

On Pentecost Sunday 2018, Presiding Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr. delivers insights into Pentecostalism, the Holy Ghost, and what it means to be baptized in the Spirit. “We’re living in the dispensation of the pouring out of the Spirit of God on the lives of God’s people,” said Bishop Blake, also citing the spiritual war we’re enduring at this time. Trouble is coming to this great earth of ours. But if we are filled with the Spirit of God, we can overcome. God wants you to be an overcomer through the power of the Holy Spirit.  

Receive it now!”

Highlights from the sermon are below:

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” 39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified – John 7:37-39 (NKJV), The Promise of the Holy Spirit

“After you accept Jesus and turn away from a life  of sin and unrighteousness, God has in store for you the most Blessed experience available to man: that is the baptism in the Holy Spirit.”

“The Holy Spirit is the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit.”

“It is the Holy Spirit that reveals to you your need… for salvation.”

It is the Spirit that gives life – John 6:63

“It is the Holy Spirit that regenerates us; it is the Holy Spirit that imparts new life to the believer.”

“When you are really saved you don’t need anybody to tell you: the Holy Spirit lets you know that your life has been transformed.”

“Man may be regenerated by the Holy Spirit and still not be baptized with the Holy Spirit. For in regeneration there’s an impartation of life, and the one who receives it is saved. But in the baptism with the Holy Spirit, there’s an impartation of power and the one who receives it is fitted for service.” -RA Torrey

“Ask your neighbor, ‘Do you need a helper?’”

“They knew the Holy Spirit, but they were not filled with the Holy Spirit.”

“There’s no greater blessing for a pastor to have than to have Spirit-filled folk around him to bear the burden of the people, that you may not bear it alone.”

“When the Spirit rests upon you, something has got to happen!”

“God honored Elijah’s word and granted Elisha a double portion of His Spirit.”

“He was filled, he was led.”

“We need the power of the Holy Ghost!” – Presiding Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr.

“Jesus did these great works through the power of the Holy Ghost that was in His life.  Lift up your hands and say, ‘Lord, thank you for the power of the Holy Ghost!”

“Throughout the Bible, responsibility for the great works of the great men and women of God is attributed to the Holy Ghost.”

“Jesus knew that his followers throughout history would need the power of the Spirit to do the work of the Lord.”

“If we are going to win men to Jesus Christ, it will be through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

“We need the power of the Holy Ghost!” 

“The devil is launching unprecedented attacks on believers and against the church. If were are to withstand the attacks and do work of God in the world today then we have to be filled with the Holy Ghost.”

God’s Spirit Poured Out
28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days – Joel 2:28-29 New King James Version (NKJV)

“We’re living in the dispensation of the pouring out of the Spirit of God on the lives of God’s people.”

“Are there any thirsty people in the house of the Lord?”

“We are in our Father’s house! Whatever you want, come in and receive the power of God!”

“Jesus said, ‘He who believes in Me as the scripture has said’ – not the way you want to believe; not the way you heard somebody else say they believe. Totally accept the will and the word of God about Jesus.”

“Out of your heart will flow rivers of living water: that means that the Holy Ghost will be in you; the Holy Ghost will be around you, the Holy Ghost will flow out of you.”

“Are there any baptized, tongue-speaking, Holy Ghost-filled folk in the house today?” – Presiding Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr.

“We need so much power…Lift your hands and say, ‘Lord, I need your power.  I need your anointing in the name of Jesus!’”

“Are there any baptized, tongue-speaking, Holy Ghost-filled folk in the house today?” 

“When Jesus was glorified the Holy Ghost was sent. You don’t have to wait until the Holy Ghost comes down from heaven!  The Holy Ghost is already here! Receive it by faith!”

“Baptism in the Holy Ghost is not the same thing  as being born again.”

“Paul seemed to notice something about their manner; something seemed to be missing in the way they were having church.”

“Baptism of the Holy Ghost is a definite experience that you can know you have received.”

“There’s no greater blessing for a pastor to have than to have Spirit-filled folk around him to bear the burden of the people, that you may not bear it alone” – Presiding Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr.

“ For the New Testament church, tongues were a sign of the reception of the Holy Spirit.  Am I still in a Pentecostal church?”

“How many of you know that God’s still doing it? God is still giving folk the power to speak in other tongues!”

“Are there any baptized, tongue-speaking, Holy Ghost-filled folk in the house today? Come on give praise to God!” 

“If speaking in tongues was good then, then it’s good now.”

“I want everything that God is passing out!”

“You need the Holy Ghost to worship; you need the Holy Ghost to pray…you need the Holy Ghost to live right. It’s called, the ‘Holy Ghost’! We can’t be holy without the help and power of the Spirit.”

“When the devil hears the believer speaking in other tongues, he doesn’t know what’s going on… because you’re speaking in a tongue that’s known to God.”

“The reason you’re weak and your power is waning is because you haven’t been built up in the Holy Ghost.”

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, 9to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in various tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues – 1 Corinthians 12:8

“Pray in the Holy Ghost and the power of the Lord has a way of showing up.”

“Jesus…did not make it an optional matter. He commanded His followers, ‘Receive ye the Holy Ghost’”.

“There’s no greater blessing for a pastor to have than to have Spirit-filled folk around him to bear the burden of the people, that you may not bear it alone” 

“Wait until you get the power!”

“The Lord wants you, being born again, to be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit.”

“The Holy Ghost allows us to function and to work as children of God, to bless others with the anointing and power of the miracles of God in their lives.”

“Are there any hungry people in the house today? Are there any thirsty folk in the house today?”

“Jesus is the baptizer!  If you want the Holy Ghost, you can have It right now!  He’s in the room! The “Comforter is here right now!”

“Faith takes action…Faith reaches out and takes hold of the promise of God.”

“The Holy Ghost is for you. You can step out on the promise of the Lord…Praise Him!”

SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES – John 7:37-39, 3:5, 6:63, 14:16-17, 15:26, 16:7-8, 20:22;  Romans 8:2-16, Numbers 11:17, Acts 1:8, 2:4, 8:5, 12, 14-17, 19:1-6, 10:46; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Joel  2:28-29, Jude 1:20, Matthew 5:6.

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