Here’s What God Says About You: 8 Great Qualities of Women In The Bible

Ladies, we seem to have more on our plates now than at any other time in history.  It’s as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to balance the mountain of responsibilities heaped upon our shoulders.  We start our days on the run, stressed-out and worried that we’re unable to manage our multiple roles of wife, daughter, mother, sister, career woman… We end our days seeking a moment of solace, immersed in our favorite TV shows or social media outlets. But instead of peace, we’re bombarded with soul-shaking stories and images which seem to challenge our progress as a nation, our strength as women, or, worst of all, our faith in God.


We also know that we should first make sure that we’re fit and healthy – mentally and physically – in order to be a light for others. However, with so much to do and so little time, we go to bed exhausted and awaken the same way; unsure of how we’ll summon the strength to rise, shine, and start another day.

If there’s one thing I know for sure though, we cannot lose heart when the help we need might be as close as the nightstand beside us. The Bible is the Word of God,  and it tells us the whole story of our history; it is the key to our empowerment. Women throughout history – from the Queen of Sheba to Harriet Tubman – have found strength from its source.  

sunrise with ship on the horizon and proverbs 31 14 she is like the merchant ship bring her food from afar



Women in the Bible are mighty examples of what we can do through our faith in God.  Be inspired and fortified by these 8 dynamic traits:

    1. PRAYER WARRIOR. Women in the Bible exemplify the power of prayer.  Hannah’s prayers produce a warrior for God (1 Samuel 1:9-11); Anna’s prayers are rewarded with the promise of God’s New Kingdom (Luke 2:36–38).

    2. SUPPORT SYSTEM.  Together, Naomi and Ruth use Godly wisdom to secure their family’s future – and change the course of history (Book of Ruth).

    3. PURPOSE-DRIVEN. To cure her condition, one woman endures the possibility of disdain, scorn, and banishment in order to connect with Jesus. She allows nothing to deter her from the healing Power of God, giving us a shining example of unwavering faith (Matthew 9:20-22).

    4. ENTREPRENEUR.  The woman described in Proverbs 31 is a hard-working, enterprising, industrious entrepreneur who not only weaves her own fabrics (Proverbs 31:19), but from that fabric, she also “makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for the merchants” (Proverbs 31:10-31).

    5. PROPHET.  Deborah knows what would save her nation from oppression.  She aligns herself with a leader named Barak who can get the job done (Judges 4).

    6. LIFE-SAVER. Esther uses the power of grace, fasting, and marriage to save her people from extermination (Book of Esther).

    7. RULER OF NATIONS. The Queen of Sheba uses wisdom and discernment before giving King Solomon her blessing (1 Kings 10:1-13): but Jesus warns a disobedient generation that they will not have the same results (Matthew 12:42).

    8. MOTHER OF HUMANKIND. Eve is the first woman – mother of us all (Genesis 3:20). And to Mary, a Savior is born, whose existence gives us the only living example of our fullest potential (Matthew 1:18-21).


Stay strong, encouraged, and focused on the promise of The Word. As God’s strong women, we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.West Angeles LOGO

Main image: Tim Mossholder for Unsplash.

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